Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Apple is still a machine to sell (and earn)

Despite the hard times we are facing, and with many companies announcing results as good as expected, Apple has proven not to be fit, but actually is a well-oiled machine to make money . Bending results from the last quarter of last year is proof undeniable that idyllic.

iPhone 4S, the clearest example of the power of Apple

If there is an element for me that shows that Apple is only now in the world of consumer electronics, that is the iPhone without a doubt. With a model that was not a giant leap over the previous model, the 4S iPhone has sold over 37 million units . That is a 128% increase over the previous year. Returns to Apple's best product and the gateway to the range of computers and tablets.
It is true that it was a novelty and that came just for the Christmas season, but figures are only available to those who know owner of a phone that is more than a piece of electronics. It is an aspiration of many consumers and still no other phone has succeeded in approaching this situation, nor does it appear that it will soon.
Another product that is in excellent health is the iPad 2.With growth the previous year of over 100%, Apple has placed on the market more than 15 million , an entire signal to its rivals that the only tablet (relavant in terms of sales) that exists in the market in the Today is yours.
A detail that supports the health of Apple products is the Apple TV, an element that never seems to be strategic for the company but that has slowly managed to place almost a million and a half teams in the last quarter of last year.


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